Saturday, May 19, 2012

Goosey, Goosey Gander

It is hard to believe that almost nine months have passed since I last blogged!  If I was trying to write a novel, the publisher's patience would be sorely tested, but as it's only me who reads this, then I can tap away at the keys in my own time without fear of reprisal.

Interestingly, I come to this blog with a sense of peace I never thought I'd have, and  a new appreciation of nature and the elements.  The rural bug induces a feeling of calm, coupled with a feeling of anticipation and excitement everyday; there is just so much to do.

Writing outside on my deck in the setting sun, I am accompanied by a hummingbird feasting on the plants in my hanging basket and a hawk hovering high in the sky waiting for supper to scurry into view among the tall grasses. It is peaceful and serene.  The scorching heat of the day has been replaced by a pleasant balmy evening and out in the farmers field, mummy and daddy geese are standing over their five offspring as they peck in the dirt.

The peace I talk about is to be savoured; there are times however when  it is shattered!  Take for example, Sunday morning at seven thirty. Into my dreams of being an independently wealthy playgirl, sipping Champagne on a luxury yacht, comes the raucous honking of the two aforementioned geese.  For reasons only fathomable by the goose community, they have decided my roof is the best place for a date and above my bedroom window they commence to let all of their goosey friends know that they are happy and in love. Aside from the honking, is the apparent tap-dancing of four web-feet as they perform a routine not unlike Riverdance.  I leap out of bed and, stopping only to make sure I am dressed decently, dash outside to the back garden where I clap, shout, and run at the house waving my arms forcing the dancing geese to flee to the safety of the skies, honking their disapproval at the harsh treatment.  In truth, I know they are winking at me and saying in goose language, "we'll be back."


1 comment:

wendy may said...

It is truly wonderful isn't it Sue. Love it also. Never tire of it.
